Monday, September 1, 2008


For the first time in my life, I've felt really rejected. How does one cope when the only person you can go to is the person to reject you?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Me and I revisited

Needs further clarity... before posting...

I thought that I was I
and was cribbing about ME.
Now I know that I am I
and that I am also ME.
As I know this now,
the truth sets ME free.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Purpose of Living

Everything does need a purpose. There can be a purpose for living, without that purpose having to have any higher value or meaning. Just being needed (by someone) is purpose enough for living. :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Me and I

Who am I?
A question that most (confused) people would have asked themselves sometime or the other. There are perhaps some people who are not troubled by such inane questions. I belong to the former category. I have asked myself this question several times and have come up with different answers at different times.

Recently I came up with an answer with a different perspective.

I am I, but I am not Me
I am active, not passive like Me
I do all the work, but everyone credits Me for it.
Who am I?

I am not Me nor Me I
I am I and Me is Me
I am active, making ME passive
If I resolve this conflict,
It will make Me happy.


Today I got to read about Friedrich Nietzsche and about Nihilism on Wikipedia. I quote the definition of Nihilism from the wiki:
Nihilism (from the Latin nihil, nothing) is a philosophical position which argues that existence is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.
The term nihilism is sometimes used synonymously with anomie to denote a general mood of despair at the pointlessness of existence.

It pretty much defines my mood at most times.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Writing problem

I have a problem - many a time I have some idea that I want to blog on when I am in a specific emotional state, but then I am not able to post the idea, because by the time I get down to blogging, my emotional state has changed and I find the idea totally irrelevant.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Purpose of living

I just can't figure it out. I don't see any purpose in continuing, and I see no purpose in ending it too. Does everything need a purpose?

Friday, January 25, 2008


I am a fairly intelligent being - I ought to have achieved more in life. But I haven't, by my own standards, also by the standards of those around me. What is it that I lack?